Hi, DearPlease tell me the following about using the DA14531MOD.
Q1Could you please tell me the names and how to obtain (URL, etc.) of the tools required for the following software development and writing firmware?By above tools, I mean IDE and writing tools. If there are any tools that Renesas recommends or has a good track record of using, please let us know.
a)DSPS smartConfig b)Codeless c)GTL d)HCI e)SDK6 Approach
Q2Are there any tutorials that describe how to use the above b) and e) and the software development procedures?My ultimate goal is to develop firmware that switches between central and peripheral based on the above b), but for now I would like to check the basic operation with the above b).
Q3The debug pin (SWD) of the DA14531MOD uses a 5-pin connector, but could you tell me the name of the cable required for development?
Best Regards,T.I.
Hi T.I.
Thank you for posting your questions online.
Good questions for getting start!
1, You can get all the tools and tutorials from DA14531 product page and type in the key-words for filtering.
2, IDE: Keil: chapter 4. DA1453x/DA1458x Tutorial SDK6 Getting Started — DA145XX Tutorial SDK Getting started (renesas.com)
Programing tool: chapter 16 DA1453x/DA1458x Tutorial SDK6 Getting Started — DA145XX Tutorial SDK Getting started (renesas.com)
I highly recommend you to go through this tutorial before stating.
3, The debugging interface is JLink-SWD. J9, J10 is the default SWD pin.
4, We have various demo projects in the SDK 6 and our github repo.
Your application scenario can refer to this demo: ble-sdk6-examples/connectivity/multirole at main · renesas/ble-sdk6-examples · GitHub
Hi sir,
Thank you very much for your reply.I have one additional question.
In order to write BLE firmware to a custom board, I am trying to use the development kit (DA14531 DEVKT-P) as a J-Link Debug Probe based on the following tutorial.
Tutrial 20. Serial Wire Debug Probe > 20.2. DA14531 DEVKT-P lpccs-docs.renesas.com/.../debug_probe.html
Also, below is the BLE peripheral circuit diagram of the custom board. (File name: ble_circuit.png)
This custom board has the DA14531MOD RESET (pin J12) shown in red.However, there is no RESET on the Tutrial development kit.I want to connect the DA14531MOD RESET to ensure stable operation.
So I have a question.
QuestionWhere is the J-Link Debug Probe RESET on the development board?
You can use U24-Pin2, development kit (DA14531 DEVKT-P) schematic here:
DA14531 Pro Development Kit Mother Board Schematic
Thank you very much for your reply.
As shown in ① and ④ in the figure below, I used the development kit (DA14531 DEVKT-P) as an SWD probe and connected it to the custom board.Also, as you replied, I connected RESET to U24-Pin2.
Next, in order to write the cordless HEX file to the DA14531MOD on the custom board, I first tried erasing it with SmartBondFlashProgrammer. However, the error shown below in ③ occurred.
By the way, the Option menu of SmartBondFlashProgrammer is shown in ② in the figure below, but I'm not sure if it is related to this problem.
Q1Can you tell me how to improve the above error during erasure?
Q2Does RESET on U24-Pin2 need to be pulled down?I checked because the keyword "pull down" came up in another Q&A in this community.
This connection is better, do not need to pull down the RESET, it has been swapped by U24.
Hi Jason,
-- Current situation --I haven't checked it with AT commands yet, but the writing itself was successful.
-- Main cause --I think the main reason why I couldn't write was because the power supply for the custom board was also supplying 3v3 to the DA14531MOD, which conflicted with the 3v3 from the development kit.
So I removed the 3v3 wiring from the development kit, pressed the reset button, and then wrote to the DA14531MOD on the custom board, and writing was successful.
-- New questions --However, I have two questions here.
Q1When I connected the daughter card to the development kit and wrote ROM data to the SPI flash on the development kit, I was able to write without pressing the reset button. However, do I have to press the reset button when writing ROM data to the SPI flash on the DA14531MOD on the custom board?
Q2At the moment, I've only tried it a little, but when writing to the custom board, it seems unstable, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.To improve the instability of writing, do I have to press the reset button for a longer time?
A1: If you are using JLink to programing the DA14531mod, Reset is optional.
If you using UART to program the module, reset is must.
A2: No reset pressing for JLink programing
Are you using smart snippets tool box? if so you can post the failure log here.
SmartSnippets Toolbox V5.0.24 for Windows OS
UM-B-083 SmartSnippets Toolbox User Manual (HTML)
No, I'm using SmartBondFlashProgrammer.I confirmed that I can write stably by pressing and holding the reset button.Q1Is it okay for the RESET on the DA14531MOD to be NC?
Q2If I connect the RESET on the DA14531MOD to U24-Pin2 on the development kit, do I need to press the reset button on the development kit?
Thank you very much for all your help. I think this is my last question on this matter.
Hi T.I.,
A1, Yes
A2, U24-Pin2 is my mistake (it doesn't been swapped), you better to connect the test points:
And I suggest to using toolbox, it's more powerful and easy to shoot problems.