how can i create communicate between by ble connection between two modules securely da14531evz i want to use one gpio with button on one module and second module with led and i want when i press button on first module and led will glow on second module
Hi Mani,Thank you for posting your question online.Please refer on the ble_app_peripheral example inside the SDK. It has custom Services and Characteristics. On that example you can find the Control Point characteristic which controls a LED depending on the value of the Control Point Characteristic. For the Central device please refer here: ble-sdk6-examples/connectivity/central at main · renesas/ble-sdk6-examplesPlease also refer on DA1453x / DA1458x Tutorial Create a Custom GATT Profile — DA145XX Tutorial Create a Custom GATT Profileand on UM-B-119: DA1453x/DA1458x SW Platform Reference Manual — DA14585/DA14531 SW Platform Reference ManualBest Regards,OV_Renesas
I want secure communication by enter passkey how can I do
Hi Mani,Thank you for the reply.Please refer on DA1453x Tutorial BLE Security — DA1453x&DA1458x Tutorial BLE securityPlease go through the whole tutorial but focus on section 7. for LE Secure Connections and implementation of passkey.You should work with the ble_app_security example of the SDK to get a better understanding on how to implement Security on the DA14531. Best Regards,OV_Renesas
what i have to change for connection of both modules firmware in first module :- ble-sdk6-examples-main\ble-sdk6-examples-main\connectivity\central
firmware in second module :- DA145xx_SDK\\projects\target_apps\ble_examples\ble_app_peripheral
Hi Mani,Thank you for the reply.Your questions is not directly related with the original question.Please create new tickets/threads for separate questions.
mani said:firmware in first module :- ble-sdk6-examples-main\ble-sdk6-examples-main\connectivity\central firmware in second module :- DA145xx_SDK\\projects\target_apps\ble_examples\ble_app_peripheral
firmware in first module :- ble-sdk6-examples-main\ble-sdk6-examples-main\connectivity\central
The Central firmware has been designed to work directly with the prox_reporter example.Specifically it scans for the DLG-PROXR name on the Advertising Data in order to attempt to automatically connect. You will need to change this value on the PERIPH_MATCH_DATA macro on the central example with the name of the device you want.Otherwise you can modify the scan filters to anything you like to establish this connection.Best Regards,OV_Renesas
how can i set led on in both of modules and blink when when they connected with each other
Hi Mani,Thank you for the reply.Please refer on 7. General Purpose Output — DA145XX Tutorial SDK Getting startedand on 4. User Guides — DA14585/DA14531 SW Platform Reference ManualThe app_on_connection callback function will be executed when a connection is established. You will need to reserve and configure a GPIO for your LED. After that, you can create your own custom callback function to be executed upon connection and turn on/off the LED.Best Regards,OV_Renesas
I have connected both central and peripheral when connection i want to button press on the central device triggers an LED to glow on the peripheral device via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) please give me example
firmware in first module :- ble-sdk6-examples-main\ble-sdk6-examples-main\connectivity\centralwhat i have to change or send value to my peripheral for glow led on module in my central firmware