Some questions:
1. Is 0x4B the address of both write and read? from datasheet:
I2C AW - Target address and write condition
I2C AR - Target address and read condition
2. Restart input to the R_SCI_I2C -
R_SCI_I2C_Write(&g_i2c_driver_ctrl, (uint8_t *)txBuf, txLen, restart))
where can I find this function? I would like to pass my g_i2c_driver_ctrl to it.
I am trying to use some HAL functionality that comes with the uC I am using , that does not have a ' restart' input.
Hi There,Thank you for posting your question online.
DS4 said:1. Is 0x4B the address of both write and read?
Yes, the address is the same for Write and Read.
DS4 said:2. Restart input to the R_SCI_I2C - R_SCI_I2C_Write(&g_i2c_driver_ctrl, (uint8_t *)txBuf, txLen, restart)) where can I find this function?
where can I find this function?
This API is part of the FSP, please refer here: RA Flexible Software Package Documentation: I2C Master (r_sci_i2c) ( is not part of the PTX30W SDK. It is part of the Flexible Software Package and it is automatically generated when you create the I2C stack on the configurations.xml.Edit: You should find all the automatic generated code on the ra_gen folder.Best Regards,OV_Renesas