PTX100R SDK RF modulation scheme

Hi there,

I'm using the PTX100R SDK to evaluate the PTX100R and also to put the reader on our custom board through RED pre-compliance. I can see there are 2 RF modulation schemes (PRBS9 and PRBS15) but could you tell me which scheme is being used by the example please?

I also can't also determine if the power levels are changing. I've tried setting the power settings for everything (high power mode, reduced power mode, LPCD amplitude and card mode high power and card mode reduced power) to 100% and the same for 0% and can't see any difference in the distance a tag is detected or the LEDs lit up by the provided field probe. My method of transfer is this:

  1. Change settings in PTX1xxR IOT Config Tool Version 7.3.0
  2. Press the generate DAT files button and store files on host device (Raspberry Pi) in the FILE_SYSTEM folder
  3. Within the host device and in the BUILD folder, Cmake and make the code (I'm not sure this is required) with the command "cmake -DPTX_SDK_HAL=I2C -S ../SRC -B ../BUILD" and the "make"
  4. From the BUILD folder (where the built file go) I run the command "./IOTRDExample -I2C -/dev/i2c-1 -../FILE_SYSTEM/"

Note that this works and changing things like the I2C address can be seen to change so I'm sure I'm creating the correct files here

Please help

Thanks, Louis

  • Hi Louis,

    Apologies for the delay.
    The example application does not use either PRBS, it is a feature to test the RF radiation when doing EMC testing. 
    If you want to enable it, you need to use the SRC\COMPS\RF_TEST\ptxRF_Test.h API.

    Regarding power levels, to configure the automatic switching between high power- and reduced power mode you need to enable the Tx Dynamic Power Control and configure the wave amplitudes and the threshold values correctly on the Power Settings page:

    With proper values set, you can observe the sudden drop in field strength (switching to reduced power mode) by watching the LEDs of the Field Probe (constantly lying on the antenna) when approaching a card to the antenna.

    The I2C address is configured via 2 HIF pins of the chip, no file generation has influence on it.

    Please refer here as well: Features (

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Louis,

    Apologies for the delay.
    The example application does not use either PRBS, it is a feature to test the RF radiation when doing EMC testing. 
    If you want to enable it, you need to use the SRC\COMPS\RF_TEST\ptxRF_Test.h API.

    Regarding power levels, to configure the automatic switching between high power- and reduced power mode you need to enable the Tx Dynamic Power Control and configure the wave amplitudes and the threshold values correctly on the Power Settings page:

    With proper values set, you can observe the sudden drop in field strength (switching to reduced power mode) by watching the LEDs of the Field Probe (constantly lying on the antenna) when approaching a card to the antenna.

    The I2C address is configured via 2 HIF pins of the chip, no file generation has influence on it.

    Please refer here as well: Features (

    Best Regards,

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