PTX105 SPI Mode MISO Pin Pulling Down

I am implementing a PTX105R circuit on a shared SPI data bus.

When ALONE The PTX105 is confirmed functional and working perfectly and communicating with the host.

When EVERYTHING ELSE is on the SPI bus, but PTX105 is removed, then everything else ALSO works perfectly.

BUT - The PTX105 will not share the SPI bus with the rest of hte system.

The problem seems to be that when NSS line is High (HIF1) per the datasheet I expect the MISO line should be high impedance per SPI standards. However, the PTX105 is pulling the line low with a fairly heavy resistance of about 40 ohms. This is enough to corrupt data exchanges from all other devices sharing the bus. I have confirmed this by cutting the single trace to the MISO pin on the PTX105.

The PTX105 should not pull MISO low when NSS is high.

From the datasheet:

3.7.5. SPI
PTX105R implements a standard SPI interface supporting the SPI mode 0 (CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0), i.e. the clock must be low when data changes and data is captured at the leading clock edge after NSS is de-asserted. It uses 4 signal lines for communication: • Not-Slave-Select (NSS): Active low input to select the device. A communication is initiated by pulling NSS low. When NSS is high the data output MISO is disabled

Is this a known errata for the part?

Can you confirm my findings and suggest a work-around?