I have the DA16200 evaluation board. I am trying to connect to my AWS account. I have mqtt_config setup as shown below. when I try to connect I get the following message. It is crucial that I am able to connect to my AWS account using TLS and certificates. I have loaded the 3 certificates that I use to connect to my AWS account from other boards. These certificates work for all other cases.
/DA16200/NET] # cert #1 (MQTT, Enterprise) - Root CA: O - Certificate: O - Private Key: O - DH Parameter: X #2 (HTTPs, CoAPs Client) - Root CA: X - Certificate: X - Private Key: X - DH Parameter: X
mqtt_client_check_conn failed [mosquitto__socket_connect_tls] Failed to establish tls-sess(0x7200) [_mosquitto_socket_connect_step3] Failed to connect tls-sess(19) Unable to connect (TLS Handshake failed.) [SUB] REQ mqtt_restart (count=1)
MQTT Client Information: - MQTT Status : Not Running - Broker IP : xxx-ats.iot.us-east-1.amazonaws.com - Port : 8883 - Pub. Topic : da16k - Sub. Topic : da16ks - QoS Level : 1 - TLS : Enable - Ping Period : 600 - TLS Incoming buf : 4096(bytes) - TLS Outgoing buf : 4096(bytes) - TLS Auth mode : 1 - User name : <None> - Password : (None) - Client ID : test_id - MQTT VER : 3.1
[dpm_init_retmemory] DPM INIT CONFIGURATION(1)
****************************************************** * DA16200 SDK Information * --------------------------------------------------- * * - CPU Type : Cortex-M4 (120MHz) * - OS Type : FreeRTOS 10.4.3 * - Serial Flash : 4 MB * - SDK Version : V3.1.2.0 GEN * - F/W Version : FRTOS-GEN01-01-15022-000000 * - F/W Build Time : Oct 27 2021 10:51:30 * - Boot Index : 0 * ******************************************************
System Mode : Station Only (0) >>> DA16x Supp Ver2.7 - 2020_07 >>> MAC address (sta0) : d4:3d:39:10:ce:bc >>> sta0 interface add OK >>> Start STA mode... associating with AP with corrupt beacon
>>> Network Interface (wlan0) : UP >>> Associated with a0:64:8f:3a:a2:c8
Connection COMPLETE to a0:64:8f:3a:a2:c8
-- DHCP Client WLAN0: SEL(6) -- DHCP Client WLAN0: REQ(1) -- DHCP Client WLAN0: CHK(8) -- DHCP Client WLAN0: BOUND(10) Assigned addr : netmask : gateway : DNS addr :
DHCP Server IP : Lease Time : 168h 00m 00s Renewal Time : 84h 00m 00s
>>> SNTP Server: pool.ntp.org (
>>> SNTP Time sync : 2021.11.02 - 08:57:03 start subscribe callback
WLAN0 - D4:3D:39:10:CE:BC - Current Time : 53808.04.09 11:02:45 (GMT -4:00) mqtt_client_check_conn failed [mosquitto__socket_connect_tls] Failed to establish tls-sess(0x7200) [_mosquitto_socket_connect_step3] Failed to connect tls-sess(19) Unable to connect (TLS Handshake failed.) [SUB] REQ mqtt_restart (count=1) [mosquitto__socket_connect_tls] Failed to establish tls-sess(0x7200) [_mosquitto_socket_connect_step3] Failed to connect tls-sess(19) Unable to connect (TLS Handshake failed.) [SUB] REQ mqtt_restart (count=2) [mosquitto__socket_connect_tls] Failed to establish tls-sess(0x7200) [_mosquitto_socket_connect_step3] Failed to connect tls-sess(19) Unable to connect (TLS Handshake failed.) [SUB] REQ mqtt_restart (count=3) [mosquitto__socket_connect_tls] Failed to establish tls-sess(0x7200) [_mosquitto_socket_connect_step3] Failed to connect tls-sess(19) Unable to connect (TLS Handshake failed.) [SUB] REQ mqtt_restart (count=4) [mosquitto__socket_connect_tls] Failed to establish tls-sess(0x7200) [_mosquitto_socket_connect_step3] Failed to connect tls-sess(19) Unable to connect (TLS Handshake failed.) [SUB] REQ mqtt_restart (count=5) [mosquitto__socket_connect_tls] Failed to establish tls-sess(0x7200) [_mosquitto_socket_connect_step3] Failed to connect tls-sess(19) Unable to connect (TLS Handshake failed.) [SUB] MAX Retry (Retry Cnt=6). [mqtt_client] terminated