I have the DA16200 evaluation board. I am trying to connect to my AWS account. I have mqtt_config setup as shown below. when I try to connect I get the following message. It is crucial that I am able to connect to my AWS account using TLS and certificates. I have loaded the 3 certificates that I use to connect to my AWS account from other boards. These certificates work for all other cases.
/DA16200/NET] # cert #1 (MQTT, Enterprise) - Root CA: O - Certificate: O - Private Key: O - DH Parameter: X #2 (HTTPs, CoAPs Client) - Root CA: X - Certificate: X - Private Key: X - DH Parameter: X
mqtt_client_check_conn failed [mosquitto__socket_connect_tls] Failed to establish tls-sess(0x7200) [_mosquitto_socket_connect_step3] Failed to connect tls-sess(19) Unable to connect (TLS Handshake failed.) [SUB] REQ mqtt_restart (count=1)
MQTT Client Information: - MQTT Status : Not Running - Broker IP : xxx-ats.iot.us-east-1.amazonaws.com - Port : 8883 - Pub. Topic : da16k - Sub. Topic : da16ks - QoS Level : 1 - TLS : Enable - Ping Period : 600 - TLS Incoming buf : 4096(bytes) - TLS Outgoing buf : 4096(bytes) - TLS Auth mode : 1 - User name : <None> - Password : (None) - Client ID : test_id - MQTT VER : 3.1
Hi There,
Can you please indicate the SDK example that you are using? is it the SDK image, or the Eclipse project?
Additionally, are you using AT commands? Can you please share the steps we should follow in order to replicate it?
Thanks, PM_Dialog