Hi,I use US159-DA16200MEVZ with AT Command.When I tried acceess to AWS s3 use on AT+NWHTC(with presigned URL), DA16200 put "Hard Fault Exception".Presigned URL is long(over 1500 character) URL Data.
AT Command
Debug Message
And, I confirmed same issue with dummy long URL.AT Command
When I used dummy short long URL, Hard Fault is not occured.
AT+NWHTC=https://aaaaa,get OK +NWHTCSTATUS:3
Read CA(length = 0) Read Cert(length = 0) Read Privkey(length = 0) [httpc_cb_result_fn:674]httpc_result: 3, received: 0 byte, err: -16
so, I think maybe over DA16200's URL limit size.I want to solve this problem.I would greatly appreciate any feedback, guidance, or suggestions that the Renesas community can provide.
My SDK Information is...
Wakeup source is 0x4 [dpm_init_retmemory] DPM INIT CONFIGURATION(1) ****************************************************** * DA16200 SDK Information * --------------------------------------------------- * * - CPU Type : Cortex-M4 (120MHz) * - OS Type : FreeRTOS 10.4.3 * - Serial Flash : 4 MB * - SDK Version : V3.2.3.0 GEN-ATCMD * - F/W Version : FRTOS-GEN01-01-56c232799-004158 * - F/W Build Time : Jun 3 2022 16:56:46 * - Boot Index : 0 * ****************************************************** System Mode : Station Only (0)
Best Regarts.