DA16200 put "Hard Fault Exception" with AT+NWHTC.

I use US159-DA16200MEVZ with AT Command.
When I tried acceess to AWS s3 use on AT+NWHTC(with presigned URL), DA16200 put "Hard Fault Exception".
Presigned URL is long(over 1500 character) URL Data.

AT Command


Debug Message

And, I confirmed same issue with dummy long URL.
AT Command


Debug Message

When I used dummy short long URL, Hard Fault is not occured.

AT Command




Debug Message

Read CA(length = 0)
Read Cert(length = 0)
Read Privkey(length = 0)

[httpc_cb_result_fn:674]httpc_result: 3, received: 0 byte, err: -16

so, I think maybe over DA16200's URL limit size.
I want to solve this problem.
I would greatly appreciate any feedback, guidance, or suggestions that the Renesas community can provide.

My SDK Information is...

Wakeup source is 0x4
[dpm_init_retmemory] DPM INIT CONFIGURATION(1)

        *             DA16200 SDK Information
        * ---------------------------------------------------
        * - CPU Type        : Cortex-M4 (120MHz)
        * - OS Type         : FreeRTOS 10.4.3
        * - Serial Flash    : 4 MB
        * - SDK Version     : V3.2.3.0 GEN-ATCMD
        * - F/W Version     : FRTOS-GEN01-01-56c232799-004158
        * - F/W Build Time  : Jun  3 2022 16:56:46
        * - Boot Index      : 0

System Mode : Station Only (0)

Best Regarts.