we flash .img file in da16600 module .once flashing completed but it's getting error watch dog timer its come lopping .same error getting .i attach error log also,i need solution asap, i need full information with documentation also.

We tried flashing the SDK which is provided by the reneses on DA16600 thorugh UART.After flashing we faced the watchdog timer expired isssue which resulted in looping of same thing agin and again.I have attcahed the log of what we got in the terminal here. Please provide the answer with complete documentation.

Wakeup source is 0x4
[dpm_init_retmemory] DPM INIT CONFIGURATION(1)

* DA16600 SDK Information
* ---------------------------------------------------
* - CPU Type : Cortex-M4 (120MHz)
* - OS Type : FreeRTOS 10.4.3
* - Serial Flash : 4 MB
* - SDK Version : V3.2.8.1 GEN
* - F/W Version : FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629
* - F/W Build Time : Nov 7 2023 13:10:35
* - Boot Index : 0

gpio wakeup enable 00000402
is_provisioned = 0
is_sensor_started = 0
[combo] dpm_boot_type = 0

>>> UART1 : Clock=80000000, BaudRate=115200
>>> UART1 : DMA Enabled ...
[combo] BLE_BOOT_MODE_0
[combo] BLE FW VER to transfer ....
>>> v_6.0.14.1114.3 (id=1) at bank_1
[combo] S/W Reset................................................................................................................ [Wdog] callback.func 0x182c41
Status: Enabled
Task mask

Monitored mask

Notified mask

IDLE task: -1
Max task id: 2
Rescale time: 500(unit of time: 10 msec)
Task information
ID: 0, latency:0, Task handle: 0x000b4140, Name: system_laun
ID: 1, latency:0, Task handle: 0x000b90b0, Name: Console_OUT
ID: 2, latency:0, Task handle: 0x000bb0b0, Name: Console_IN

[Watch Dog Timer Expired]

R0 :00000000, R1 :a5a5a5a5, R2 :a5a5a5a5, R3 :00000001
R4 :000ad5c0, R5 :000b5668, R6 :a5a5a5a5, R7 :a5a5a5a5
R8 :a5a5a5a5, R9 :a5a5a5a5, R10 :a5a5a5a5, R11 :a5a5a5a5
R12 :a5a5a5a5, SP :000b4340, LR :001a1cf1, PC :001a1cd6
PSR :61000000, EXC :00182f2d,
Status Register
SHCSR :00000000, CFSR :00000000, HFSR :00000000
DFSR :00000000, MMFAR :e000ed34, BFAR :e000ed38
AFSR :00000000,
SICS[0] = 04300000
SICS[1] = 00000000
SICS[2] = 00000000
SICS[3] = 00000000
SICS[4] = 00000000
SICS[5] = ffffc000

Current Thread
Thread: IDLE
stack ptr : 000b42fc
stack base: 000b41c0
stack end : 000b4348
stack high: 000b42fc
max usage : 0000004d
suspend : 00000000

Thread Stack (32)
[0x000b42fc] : 000AC488 A5A5A5A5 A5A5A5A5 A5A5A5A5 A5A5A5A5 A5A5A5A5 A5A5A5A5 A5A5A5A5
[0x000b431c] : FFFFFFFD 00000000 A5A5A5A5 A5A5A5A5 00000001 A5A5A5A5 001A1CF1 001A1CD6
[0x000b433c] : 61000000 A5A5A5A5 001A0DDD A5A5A5A5 A5A5A5A5 00000000 80000080 B698CDC7
[0x000b435c] : B9D639D6 B1936B82 D9524A71 000B42FC A42B3680 000AC204 000AC204 000B4368

  • Hi There,

    Happy New Year!
    Thank you for posting your question online.
    This is a known issue, caused by the DA14531 SW Reset not being able to be detected.
    Please find attached the DA16600_ble_sw_reset_fix.patch and apply it on the FreeRTOS SDK v3.2.8.1.

    • The BLE SW reset should be checked and then rebooted.
    • The BLE SW reset should do before the flash related functions because it takes some delay to send BLE SW reset command.
    • After fix/updating with the patch, the BLE related booting error was fixed.

    Please share any feedback!
    P.S. The patch will be included in the next SDK release.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi, Happy new year i am new to this can u elaborate the procedure to apply the patch.

  • Hi There,

    Thank you for the reply.
    Please download the FreeRTOS SDK v3.2.8.1.
    Unzip it and place it on a new folder. 
    Download any Git Terminal Interface you want.
    Place the patch inside the SDK as shown below:

    Open the Git Terminal inside your SDK folder and type:

    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial Commit of FreeRTOS SDK v3.2.8.1"
    patch -p1 <DA16600_ble_sw_reset_fix.patch

    Final result:

    As you can see, the 2 final changes were not applied. 
    You can easily apply them by opening the Patch folder (with Notepad++ or any other program that can showcase code).
    Go to the end of the file:
    diff --git a/core/system/src/common/command/command_net_sys.c b/core/system/src/common/command/command_net_sys.c
    index c0f7b52b3..2b545bf27 100644
    --- a/core/system/src/common/command/command_net_sys.c
    +++ b/core/system/src/common/command/command_net_sys.c
    @@ -2040,6 +2040,9 @@ UINT factory_reset(int reboot_flag)
                 if (chk_dpm_mode()) {
    +            if (reboot_flag) {
    +                combo_ble_sw_reset();
    +            }
     #endif // __BLE_COMBO_REF__
    @@ -2066,10 +2069,6 @@ UINT factory_reset(int reboot_flag)
         if (reboot_flag) {
    -#if defined (__BLE_COMBO_REF__)
    -        if (ble_combo_ref_flag == pdTRUE)
    -            combo_ble_sw_reset();
    -#endif    // __BLE_COMBO_REF__
             reboot_func(SYS_REBOOT);    /* Reset */
    As you can see, we want to apply changes on the command_net_sys.c file which is placed on the path above. 
    The lines with "+" means that you will have to add this line of code and the lines with "-" means that you will have to remove this line of code.
    Go on your SDK folder and search the command_net_sys.c file to make the changes manually. You will need to add manually 3 lines of code and remove another 4 lines on the same file. 
    In case you do not want to use Git, you can easily open the patch and go through the changes manually.

    We hope this could helpful!

    Best Regards,

  • can u pls share complete procedure to flash image to the module after applying the patch

  • Hi There,

    Thank you for the reply.
    After you have applied the patch, please follow the steps below:
    1) Refer on the UM-WI-056 Getting Started Guide.

    On Section 5. Software Development Kit, on page: 34

    You will need to download e2 studio 2023-07 (v23.7.0) or later. 
    Link is available on 5.3 Installing e2studio IDE.
    Please follow the steps of the Getting Started Guide.
    2) After the e2 studio installation, open the e2studio and declare your SDK folder as your workspace as shown below:

    3) When the e2 studio opens, close the Welcome screen by the Hide button or by clicking on the X as shown below.

    4) Import the da16600 getting started project as shown in the section 5.4 Importing DA16200 FreeRTOS SDK Project into e 2studio of UM-WI-056 or as shown in the screenshots below:

    Make sure you have selected the da16600 getting started project and the SDKJFlash project as shown below

    Click on Next> and on the next window select DA16600 as your target device.

    5) You should be able to see the 2 projects on your Project Explorer:

    6) Before building your project, right click on the Project Explorer tab and select Import...

    7) Now, if you hover over the Run External button you can see all the available launchers we have imported to program/erase the DA16200/DA16600

    8) Right click on the da16600 project and select Clean and then Build project

    During the first Build process, the Generate Configurations for Windows launcher will be executed. You will have to select the Flash memory on your custom board or the one inside the Dev Kit. 
    If you select wrong, you can easily go through the Run External button shown on step 7 and launch the configuration manually again.

    9) After the Build procedure has been finished, you should see the results on the Console window and the generated images should be placed inside the img folder

    10) I am using the DA16600MOD EVK v4.1, I have connected the USB to my PC and I select the uart_program_boot_rtos_ble_win launcher to program my EVK with the generated images.

    11) On the Console Window you will have to select the correct COM port. The lower COM port corresponds to UART0 Debug Interface and the other COM port to UART1 which is being used for AT commands (if you have enabled this feature inside the SDK). 
    I select the correct COM port and the image of the DA14531 I wanted to download (for peripheral or central). The whole communication has been attached below:

    uart_program_da16200 Version 1.0.6
    0. COM40 - USB Serial Port (COM40)
    1. COM41 - USB Serial Port (COM41)
    2. COM55 - Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (COM55)
    3. COM56 - Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (COM56)
    Please enter number in the list of your COM port and press enter.
    --> 0
    Selected COM port =  COM40 - USB Serial Port (COM40)
    >>> Running on Windows
    0. /DA14531_1/da14531_multi_part_proxr.img
    1. /DA14531_2/da14531_multi_part_proxm.img
    Select BLE image: 0
    Entering download mode...
    2024-01-08 15:34:07.496 Preparing for download...
    Checking device is in MROM...
    Resetting device...
    Locking OTP...
    Checking flash ID...
    Read C:\Apply_patch_test_folder\DA16200_DA16600_SDK_FreeRTOS_v3.2.8.1\apps\da16600\get_started\projects\da16600/img/DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img
    2024-01-08 15:34:09.955 Ready for download.
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 3.00% : 2.05s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 6.00% : 2.24s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 9.00% : 2.43s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 12.00% : 2.62s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 15.00% : 2.81s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 18.00% : 3.00s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 21.00% : 3.19s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 24.00% : 3.38s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 27.00% : 3.56s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 30.00% : 3.75s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 33.00% : 3.94s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 36.00% : 4.13s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 39.00% : 4.32s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 42.00% : 4.51s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 45.00% : 4.70s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 48.00% : 4.89s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 51.00% : 5.08s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 54.00% : 5.27s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 57.00% : 5.46s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 60.00% : 5.66s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 63.00% : 5.85s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 66.00% : 6.04s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 69.00% : 6.22s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 72.00% : 6.41s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 75.00% : 6.60s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 78.00% : 6.79s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 81.00% : 6.99s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 84.00% : 7.18s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 87.00% : 7.37s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 90.00% : 7.56s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 93.00% : 7.75s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 96.00% : 7.94s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 99.00% : 8.12s
    Download file 1: DA16600_FBOOT-GEN01-01-c7f4c6cc22_W25Q32JW.img : 100.00% : 8.19s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 2.08% : 3.37s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 4.16% : 4.89s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 6.23% : 6.41s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 8.31% : 7.93s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 10.39% : 9.45s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 12.47% : 10.97s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 14.55% : 12.49s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 16.62% : 14.01s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 18.70% : 15.53s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 20.78% : 17.04s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 22.86% : 18.55s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 24.94% : 20.05s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 27.01% : 21.56s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 29.09% : 23.07s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 31.17% : 24.59s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 33.25% : 26.10s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 35.32% : 27.60s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 37.40% : 29.08s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 39.48% : 30.57s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 41.56% : 32.07s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 43.64% : 33.56s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 45.71% : 35.06s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 47.79% : 36.55s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 49.87% : 38.04s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 51.95% : 39.53s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 54.03% : 41.02s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 56.10% : 42.51s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 58.18% : 44.01s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 60.26% : 45.50s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 62.34% : 46.98s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 64.42% : 48.48s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 66.49% : 49.98s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 68.57% : 51.47s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 70.65% : 52.97s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 72.73% : 54.46s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 74.81% : 55.94s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 76.88% : 57.43s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 78.96% : 58.92s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 81.04% : 60.42s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 83.12% : 61.91s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 85.19% : 63.40s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 87.27% : 64.90s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 89.35% : 66.39s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 91.43% : 67.89s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 93.51% : 69.39s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 95.58% : 70.87s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 97.66% : 72.36s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 99.74% : 73.86s
    Download file 2: DA16600_FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629.img : 100.00% : 74.04s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 3.12% : 1.99s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 6.25% : 2.11s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 9.38% : 2.24s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 12.50% : 2.37s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 15.62% : 2.49s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 18.75% : 2.61s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 21.88% : 2.74s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 25.00% : 2.86s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 28.12% : 2.99s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 31.25% : 3.11s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 34.38% : 3.24s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 37.50% : 3.36s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 40.62% : 3.48s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 43.75% : 3.61s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 46.88% : 3.73s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 50.00% : 3.86s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 53.12% : 3.98s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 56.25% : 4.10s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 59.38% : 4.23s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 62.50% : 4.35s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 65.62% : 4.48s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 68.75% : 4.60s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 71.88% : 4.73s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 75.00% : 4.85s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 78.12% : 4.98s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 81.25% : 5.10s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 84.38% : 5.23s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 87.50% : 5.35s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 90.62% : 5.47s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 93.75% : 5.60s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 96.88% : 5.72s
    Download file 3: da14531_multi_part_proxr.img : 100.00% : 5.86s
    2024-01-08 15:35:41.453 Done successfully.

     You have now successfully flashed the DA16600MOD with the Getting Started project and the Patch applied.
    Note: All this steps are described on the UM-WI-056. I just shared some screenshots as well. Please refer on the Getting Started document as well. 

    I hope this could be helpful. Please share any feedback if you are able to recreate the Hard Fault exception again.
    If you are still able to recreate the issue after the patch is correctly applied, please share the exact board you are working on so we can understand if there is a design issue (in case you have a custom board) or a dip switch issue (in case you have one of our EVKs).

    Best Regards,

  • Greeting for the day, I am using DA16600 custom board. I followed procedures as you mentioned, but at the time of flashing i am getting OTP lock error.

    is secure boot is the reason for this error?

    uart_program_da16200 Version 1.0.6

    0. COM3 - Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM3)

    1. COM5 - Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (COM5)

    2. COM6 - Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (COM6)

    Please enter number in the list of your COM port and press enter.

    --> 0

    Selected COM port = COM3 - Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM3)

    >>> Running on Windows

    0. /DA14531_1/da14531_multi_part_proxr.img

    1. /DA14531_2/da14531_multi_part_proxm.img

    Select BLE image: 1

    Entering download mode...

    2024-01-09 11:43:49.689 Preparing for download...

    Checking device is in MROM...

    Resetting device...

    Locking OTP...

    Failed locking OTP!!

  • Greeting for the day, I am using DA16600 custom board. I followed procedures as you mentioned, but at the time of flashing i am getting OTP lock error.

    is secure boot is the reason for this error?

    uart_program_da16200 Version 1.0.6

    0. COM3 - Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM3)

    1. COM5 - Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (COM5)

    2. COM6 - Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (COM6)

    Please enter number in the list of your COM port and press enter.

    --> 0

    Selected COM port = COM3 - Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM3)

    >>> Running on Windows

    0. /DA14531_1/da14531_multi_part_proxr.img

    1. /DA14531_2/da14531_multi_part_proxm.img

    Select BLE image: 1

    Entering download mode...

    2024-01-09 11:43:49.689 Preparing for download...

    Checking device is in MROM...

    Resetting device...

    Locking OTP...

    Failed locking OTP!!

  • Hi There,

    Thank you for the reply.
    Please find attached the mrom_otp_lock_check.ttl
    You can use this with Tera Term to check if the OTP is locked. 

    is secure boot is the reason for this error?

    Yes, I believe that secure boot could end up on this error. 
    Open Tera Term, select the correct COM port for UART0 Debug Interface, set Baudrate at 230400. 
    Reset your device via the switch and then type 'reset' so it goes into the MROM menu.
    After that go on Control-->Macro

    And navigate to find the mrom_otp_lock_check.ttl in order to select it.
    Let the ttl run and you should be prompted with a message. 

    In case you are not able to disable the secure boot feature or use the launchers (from e2 studio) to program your DA16600, you can do it manually from Tera Term.
    Let me summarize the steps here:
    1) Open Tera Term and Connect to UART0 Debug Interface with Baudrate set at 230400.
    2) Reset your device via a Switch and then type 'reset' to get into the MROM menu.
    3) First Upload the FBOOT image by typing 'loady 0'
    It should like this: 

    Then go into File -->Transfer--> YMODEM --> Send...

    Navigate and find the FBOOT generated image.

    Note: In case the Transfer is not happening, please reset the custom board and try again.
    Finally when the FBOOT is uploaded you should see the following:

    4) Now follow similar procedure for the FRTOS generated image by typing 'loady 23000'
    It is the exact same steps to download the FRTOS generated image.
    5) In order to download the DA14531 generated images you should type "loady 3ad000 1000 bin" and then follow the same steps to find, select and download the DA14531 image via YMODEM protocol to the DA16600.
    6) When all Images ( FBOOT, FRTOS, DA14531) have been succesfully downloaded, you can type 'reboot' and the DA16600 will load them.
    This is the same procedure the launchers on e2 Studio do as well. The launchers just run some extra checks before trying to download the Images.

    Best Regards,

  • Thanks for quick reply. I followed the steps which you said and now its flashing but S/W Reset problem is there still.

  • Hi There,

    Thank you for the reply.
    Could you please verify that the patch has been properly applied? 
    You can do that by opening the patch and check each file and see if the changes are actually there.

    Do you have access on any of our EVKs? If yes, could you please test this on one of our EVKs as well?
    If you do not have access on any of our EVKs, could you please share the Schematics of your custom board?

    Best Regards,

  • I've verified the files, and they're all properly patched. I don't have an EVK with me. With the custom board, I've connected a power supply, and the UART0 pins are connected to my USB TTL.

  • After reviewing the schematics, I noticed the RTC wakeup pin was connected with 3V3. Is this necessary? I removed that connection, and now I'm encountering a 'wrong image' error.

    * FCI FC9K MaskROM BoïBoot Err: wrong image [40000000](04)

  • Hi There,

    Thank you for the replies.
    Did you follow the UM-WI-006 DA16200 DA16600 Hardware Design Guide (renesas.com) while designing the custom board?

    Do you have a Host MCU on your custom board or any sensor?
    The RTC_WAKE_UP pin should have an Input High voltage > 2.2V @ 3.3VDD (I/O voltage check) with a 4.7kOhm pull-down resistor. Can be removed and RTC_WAKE_UP1/2 can be connected to GND directly when not used. 

    Best Regards,

  • Hai, I am just trying to communicate with the module using USB TTL for that I have connected 3V3 to VBAT_BLE, VBAT_3V3, VDD_DIO1, VDD_DIO2,  RTC_WAKE_UP2 to GND. I am getting Wrong Image error now from the module.

    Boot Err: wrong image [40000000](04)

    * FCI FC9K MaskROM BootLoader
    * Cortex-M4 (XTAL 40000 KHz, SYS 120000 KHz)
    * Console Baud Rate : 0 (00000000)
    * HW Version Num. : fc905010
    * Build Option : RomALL
    * RoSDK Date & Time : Mar 13 2019 13:05:45
    * Build Date & Time : Mar 13 2019 13:11:24
    * http://www.fci.co.kr

  • I tried with a new module. At first the module is displayed in the blue-tooth terminal, then it is not displaying 
    I'm facing with the following error 

    >>> P.TIM is relocated to RETMEM (0x20f835c0, 3)
    [dpm_init_retmemory] DPM INIT CONFIGURATION(1)

    Wakeup source is 0x4

    * DA16200 SDK Information
    * -----------------------------------------------
    * - CPU Type : Cortex-M4 (80MHz)
    * - OS Type : ThreadX 5.7
    * - Serial Flash : 4 MB
    * - SDK Version : V2.3.2.0 CM
    * - F/W Version : RTOS-GEN01-01-12627-000000
    * : SLIB-GEN01-01-12283-000000
    * - F/W Build Time : Sep 23 2020 13:27:48
    * - Boot Index : 1

    gpio wakeup enable 00000402
    [combo] dpm_boot_type = 0
    ER[[OOPS Dump : c0f0]]
    [[Stack Fault]]
    --RTC Time : 00000000.00000c97

    R0 :00080778, R1 :00003a05, R2 :00000000, R3 :000b4cb4
    R4 :00000000, R5 :000b4cb4, R6 :00080774, R7 :00080778
    R8 :000b4cb4, R9 :ffffffff, R10 :001220d4, R11 :000b4bf8
    R12 :00000000, SP :000b4b38, LR :0000400d, PC :000

    Kindly provide a solution for the above issue 

  • Hi There,

    Thank you for the replies.

    Hai, I am just trying to communicate with the module using USB TTL for that I have connected 3V3 to VBAT_BLE, VBAT_3V3, VDD_DIO1, VDD_DIO2,  RTC_WAKE_UP2 to GND. I am getting Wrong Image error now from the module.

    Boot Err: wrong image [40000000](04)

    Since it is a custom board we would require to look at the schematic to understand why this is happening.
    Before, the same images worked but resulted in a Hard Fault?

    * DA16200 SDK Information
    * -----------------------------------------------
    * - CPU Type : Cortex-M4 (80MHz)
    * - OS Type : ThreadX 5.7
    * - Serial Flash : 4 MB
    * - SDK Version : V2.3.2.0 CM
    * - F/W Version : RTOS-GEN01-01-12627-000000
    * : SLIB-GEN01-01-12283-000000
    * - F/W Build Time : Sep 23 2020 13:27:48
    * - Boot Index : 1

    This is a quite old SDK image and it is for DA16200, not for DA16600. 
    The 2nd module is a DA16600MOD or a DA16200MOD?

    Best Regards,

  • Hello,  This is how I configured the connections. Is this setup correct ? The second module is DA16600MOD, and that image was preloaded in that module.