I am running AT-Commands over SPI on the DA16600 module. Some of the AT-Commands don't work.
AT+WFMODE=0, AT+WFSTA, AT+WFSCAN and other network related commands do not work.
I am sending;
AT+VER, AT+TMRFNOINIT=0, AT+WFSCAN, AT+WFMODE=0 and, AT+WFSTA [in order]. I have enabled 'DEBUG_ATCMD' from the SDK and this is the output I see,
There is no AT-Command executed after AT+TMRFNOINIT=0.
For AT+TMRFNOINIT=0 and rest, the response from buffer is overlapping the header message sent by the main MCU [refer the logic analyzer output].
What is going on here? how to fix this?
I have attached the logic analyzer file containing SPI signals for each command. [they are shown in order]
spi at command signal output.zip
Note: The modifications to the SDK are as per the documentations.
Hi There,Thank you for posting your question online.Let me check on this and I will get back to you as soon as possible.Best Regards,OV_Renesas