DA16200 DA16600 Freertos SDK Programmers Guide v3.2.8.1

I am trying to follow the instructions in section 14.7  of the User manual DA16200 DA16600 FreeRTOS SDK programmers guide define my own web pages. I am able to build and run the HTTP server APP and see the provided WEB page shown in the programmer guide (UM-WI-046).  But when I try to follow the read.me .txt file and teh instruction in the Notes. things don't seem to be correct and it does not work, if I run the perl script I get the following error message.

PS C:\Users\mschmid\Documents\Projects\Renesas\DA16200\DA16200_DA16600_SDK_FreeRTOS_v3.2.8.1\core\libraries\3rdparty\lwip\src\apps\http\makefsdata> perl .\makefsdata
FIND: Parameter format not correct

  • Hi Mike,

    We have provided an answer on your private ticket (#394339).
    However, let me put the answer here as well:
    As described in the NOTE on UM-WI-046, users should follow as described:
    Run the Git bash or Unix based terminal, or windows command prompt if Cygwin is installed.
    FYI, I have list up the steps:

    1) Make sure you have Perl installed or else install the Perl.
    2) Run the Git bash or unix based terminal, or windows command prompt if you have cygwin installed.
    3) Navigate to the directory that contains makefsdata in SDK (for example, .\core\libraries\3rdparty\lwip\src\apps\http\makefsdata)
    4) Copy makefsdata and rename it (for example, rename it to makefsdata_run) and also rename the current fs_data.c to another name like fs_data.c.ori to refer later.
    5) Type this command "perl makefsdata_run", it will overwrite your fsdata so make sure you have a back up first if it contains something you want to keep.
    6) After the fsdata.c is created, go to the end of the fsdata.c file and add this code manually in all const struct fsdata_file file_*** variables.
    The code (you have to update) are like:
    const struct fsdata_file file_404_html[] = {{NULL, data_404_html, data_404_html + 10, sizeof(data_404_html) - 10}};
    const struct fsdata_file file_img_sics_gif[] = {{file_404_html, data_img_sics_gif, data_img_sics_gif + 14, sizeof(data_img_sics_gif) - 14}};
    const struct fsdata_file file_index_html[] = {{file_img_sics_gif, data_index_html, data_index_html + 12, sizeof(data_index_html) - 12}};
    It must be be: 
    const struct fsdata_file file_404_html[] = {{NULL, data_404_html, data_404_html + 10, sizeof(data_404_html) - 10, FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED | FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT,}};
    const struct fsdata_file file_img_sics_gif[] = {{file_404_html, data_img_sics_gif, data_img_sics_gif + 14, sizeof(data_img_sics_gif) - 14, FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED | FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT,}};
    const struct fsdata_file file_index_html[] = {{file_img_sics_gif, data_index_html, data_index_html + 12, sizeof(data_index_html) - 12, FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED | FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT,}}; 

    However, we had some issues being reported on Windows setup with the Find command on cygwin.
    if you can use find.exe command by installing the cywin or else, it would work. If it is difficult to setup then easiest way is to use virtual box/Ubuntu or linux OS.

    P.S. Please do not create duplicate tickets on the Public Forum and the Private ticket system.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Mike,

    We have provided an answer on your private ticket (#394339).
    However, let me put the answer here as well:
    As described in the NOTE on UM-WI-046, users should follow as described:
    Run the Git bash or Unix based terminal, or windows command prompt if Cygwin is installed.
    FYI, I have list up the steps:

    1) Make sure you have Perl installed or else install the Perl.
    2) Run the Git bash or unix based terminal, or windows command prompt if you have cygwin installed.
    3) Navigate to the directory that contains makefsdata in SDK (for example, .\core\libraries\3rdparty\lwip\src\apps\http\makefsdata)
    4) Copy makefsdata and rename it (for example, rename it to makefsdata_run) and also rename the current fs_data.c to another name like fs_data.c.ori to refer later.
    5) Type this command "perl makefsdata_run", it will overwrite your fsdata so make sure you have a back up first if it contains something you want to keep.
    6) After the fsdata.c is created, go to the end of the fsdata.c file and add this code manually in all const struct fsdata_file file_*** variables.
    The code (you have to update) are like:
    const struct fsdata_file file_404_html[] = {{NULL, data_404_html, data_404_html + 10, sizeof(data_404_html) - 10}};
    const struct fsdata_file file_img_sics_gif[] = {{file_404_html, data_img_sics_gif, data_img_sics_gif + 14, sizeof(data_img_sics_gif) - 14}};
    const struct fsdata_file file_index_html[] = {{file_img_sics_gif, data_index_html, data_index_html + 12, sizeof(data_index_html) - 12}};
    It must be be: 
    const struct fsdata_file file_404_html[] = {{NULL, data_404_html, data_404_html + 10, sizeof(data_404_html) - 10, FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED | FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT,}};
    const struct fsdata_file file_img_sics_gif[] = {{file_404_html, data_img_sics_gif, data_img_sics_gif + 14, sizeof(data_img_sics_gif) - 14, FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED | FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT,}};
    const struct fsdata_file file_index_html[] = {{file_img_sics_gif, data_index_html, data_index_html + 12, sizeof(data_index_html) - 12, FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_INCLUDED | FS_FILE_FLAGS_HEADER_PERSISTENT,}}; 

    However, we had some issues being reported on Windows setup with the Find command on cygwin.
    if you can use find.exe command by installing the cywin or else, it would work. If it is difficult to setup then easiest way is to use virtual box/Ubuntu or linux OS.

    P.S. Please do not create duplicate tickets on the Public Forum and the Private ticket system.

    Best Regards,
