Hello, I i refer documents UM-WI-046 DA16200 DA16600 FreeRTOS SDK Programmer Guide & getting started guide. I want to control wifi connection means i want to make my own application in that i can connect with any wifi i want if i have ssid and password of that wifi so i got that there is sample_preconfig file in which there is wifi api code in that i chnge ssid and password and try wo connect them> i have some questions:1) in da16200 tfoldeer in e2 studio there is no file like sample_preconfig but in ADC_sample example folder that ffile is present so i capy that code and make a new file in da16200 folder and run that code also in user_main.c i call sample_preconfig() function so it is correct way beacuse i got below output in this is this correct or not ???
2) Another question is now i want to do that i connect this wifi, now i want to do http post data on my server but is this way correct or not of wifi connection?because after i did same way i got issue and my renesas got stuck while go in http post function and it restart 3)Also i got to know that i did not get ip after connecting wifi so i did dhcp renewl so after i got this output and corrected ip is this way also corrected???