I tried to import a project for the Import TLS Server sample application (~/SDK/apps/common/examples/Network/TLS_Server/projects/da16200) ,
Hi There,Thank you for posting your question online.Did you face any issues with other example projects as well?On my side, I tested it and the TLS Server sample project for the DA16200 worked as expected:Please refer on UM-WI-056 DA16200 DA16600 FreeRTOS Getting Started Guide, on section 5.3 Installing e2 Studio IDEBest Regards,OV_Renesas
I have reinstalled e2 Studio IDE and relative toolchain , but I encountered the error in the figure below when I building the examples project.
Hi There,Thank you for the reply.Could you please try to shorten the path length?Could you please also share the e2 studio IDE version and toolchain version you are utilizing?Best Regards,OV_Renesas
thank you for your support. I solved the previous problem by selecting a short root directory when I imported the project and now I build the project successfully. I flashed the two images using the macro in Tera Term.
the following image it says failt to initialize WLAN. What is meant by "failt to initialzie WLAN", TEST mode?
To test the TLS connection, should I acquire the IP address with AT commands?
Hi There,Thank you for the reply.1) Please refer on the UM-WI-046 DA16200 DA16600 FreeRTOS SDK Programmer Guide for a high level description of the examples on the SDK and an explanation of the APIs being used.2) In order for the TLS Server example to start running you will have to be connected to a network and have a TLS Client running as well.On my side I loaded the TLS Server example on the DA16200MOD EVK and I used the 'setup' command on the UART0 to connect to a local Network.I then proceeded to Import the TLS Client example and made the following changes on tls_client_sample.c file:
Wakeup source is 0x4 [dpm_init_retmemory] DPM INIT CONFIGURATION(1) ****************************************************** * DA16200 SDK Information * --------------------------------------------------- * * - CPU Type : Cortex-M4 (120MHz) * - OS Type : FreeRTOS 10.4.3 * - Serial Flash : 4 MB * - SDK Version : V3.2.8.1 GEN * - F/W Version : FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629 * - F/W Build Time : Feb 5 2025 11:15:31 * - Boot Index : 0 * ****************************************************** System Mode : Station Only (0) >>> Start DA16X Supplicant ... >>> DA16x Supp Ver2.7 - 2022_03 >>> MAC address (sta0) : ec:f0:f9:ec:dd:66 >>> sta0 interface add OK >>> Start STA mode... [atcmd_transport_set_max_session:9488]Set max session(8), max CID(9) [atcmd_network_get_sess_info:10549]Load sess_info(len:1240, cnt:10) >>> UART1 : Clock=80000000, BaudRate=115200, FlowControl=0 >>> UART1 : DMA Enabled ... Start AT Command [atcmd_network_delete_sess_info:10603]Start RTC switched to XTAL !!! No proper APs found - It will be try again !!! >>> Network Interface (wlan0) : UP >>> Associated with c2:e6:9e:ab:2b:83 Connection COMPLETE to c2:e6:9e:ab:2b:83 -- DHCP Client WLAN0: SEL(6) -- DHCP Client WLAN0: REQ(1) -- DHCP Client WLAN0: CHK(8) -- DHCP Client WLAN0: BOUND(10) Assigned addr : netmask : gateway : DNS addr : DHCP Server IP : Lease Time : 00h 59m 59s Renewal Time : 00h 29m 59s [tls_server_sample] Start of TLS Server sample Loading the server cert. and key...ok Bind on tls/*:10197...ok Seeding the random number generator...ok Setting up the TLS structure...ok Waiting for a remote connection...>>> SNTP Server: pool.ntp.org ( >>> SNTP Time sync : 2025.02.05 - 10:03:00 ok Performing the TLS handshake...ok < Read from client:
Wakeup source is 0x4 [dpm_init_retmemory] DPM INIT CONFIGURATION(1) ****************************************************** * DA16600 SDK Information * --------------------------------------------------- * * - CPU Type : Cortex-M4 (120MHz) * - OS Type : FreeRTOS 10.4.3 * - Serial Flash : 4 MB * - SDK Version : V3.2.8.1 GEN * - F/W Version : FRTOS-GEN01-01-2aa77df370-006629 * - F/W Build Time : Feb 5 2025 12:00:20 * - Boot Index : 0 * ****************************************************** System Mode : Station Only (0) >>> Start DA16X Supplicant ... >>> DA16x Supp Ver2.7 - 2022_03 >>> MAC address (sta0) : d4:3d:39:12:e7:fe >>> sta0 interface add OK >>> Start STA mode... >>> UART2 : Clock=80000000, BaudRate=115200 >>> UART2 : DMA Enabled ... RTC switched to XTAL !!! No proper APs found - It will be try again !!! >>> Network Interface (wlan0) : UP >>> Associated with c2:e6:9e:ab:2b:83 Connection COMPLETE to c2:e6:9e:ab:2b:83 -- DHCP Client WLAN0: SEL(6) -- DHCP Client WLAN0: REQ(1) -- DHCP Client WLAN0: CHK(8) -- DHCP Client WLAN0: BOUND(10) Assigned addr : netmask : gateway : DNS addr : DHCP Server IP : Lease Time : 00h 59m 59s Renewal Time : 00h 29m 59s [tls_client_sample] Start of TLS Client sample Connecting to tcp/ Setting up the TLS structure...ok Performing the TLS handshake...>>> SNTP Server: pool.ntp.org ( ok < Read from server: >>> SNTP Time sync : 2025.02.05 - 10:03:11