我的E2 lite调试器根据教程连接了4条线到MCU(VCC GND RST TOOL) 并将RFP程序调整为正确匹配的形式 (MCU外部有供电)
Connecting the tool
Tool : E2 emulator Lite (EZ3L01463), Interface : 1 wire UART
Emulator's supply power : OFF
Emulator's firmware version:
Connecting to the target device
Query the device information.
Device: R7F0C004M
Boot Firmware Version: V3.03
Device Code: 10 00 06
Code Flash 1 (Address : 0x00000000, Size : 128 K, Erase Size : 1 K)
Disconnecting the tool
Operation completed.
Loading File (C:\Users\coco\Desktop\Ooen_Close.hex) CRC-32=9A4A66EC
Target device : R7F0C004M
Error(E1000003): An unknown command error occurred in the device. (Command: 9A, Response: 04)
Operation failed.